Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

The Company recognizes its role, duty and responsibility in practicing good corporate governance and believes that corporate governance shall determine the structure and relationship among shareholders, the Board of Directors, the management and every stakeholder group with the aim to increase the competitiveness and business value for the shareholders in the long run as well as to consider the benefits of other stakeholders which in turn will ensure the Company’s continuous and sustainable growth.

The Board of Directors has determined good corporate governance policy as guidelines for all directors, executives and employees of the Company Group. Therefore, the Board of Directors appointed the Corporate Governance Committee to supervise and filter matters relating to corporate governance, including monitoring, review and revision of the existing corporate governance policy to ensure that it is up-to-date and consistent with current situation. The Committee shall also ensure that the policy is in line with good corporate governance as determined by the regulatory body as well as international standards. Besides, the Committee shall propose such policy to the Board for review and approval at least once a year. The Board of Directors has constantly emphasized good corporate governance through integration of policies and business directions as well as sufficient internal control and auditing. In addition, the Board assigned the Audit Committee the task of drafting the internal audit plan to ensure that the organization has complied with all policies. Moreover, the Board of Directors has supervised the management to act efficiently under the established policies to ascertain that the Company’s operations are transparent, ethical and abide by governing laws and regulations.

BDMS’s Compliance system has been externally and independently assessed through the board performance assessment which was conducted by Corporate Governance Report of Thai Listed Companies (CGR). CGR was initiated by Thai Institute of Directors Association (IOD) in collaboration with the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET).

In 2022, BDMS was awarded a 5-star rating or ‘Excellent’ score including (1) Rights of Shareholders, (2) Equitable Treatment of Shareholders, (3) Role of Stakeholders, (4) Disclosure & Transparency, (5) Board Responsibilities. This also ensures that BDMS has proper systems and procedures externally verified by third party in terms of the implementation of Code of Conduct.

1. Articles Of Association
2. Climate Change Policy
3. Code of Conduct and Whistleblower Policy
4. Corporate information disclosure Policy
5. Fraud Prevention and anti-corruption Policy
6. Corporate Governance Policy
7. Human Rights Policy
8. Policy on Non-Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights and Copyrights
9. Memorandum of Association
10. Risk Management Policy
11. Supervision of Using Inside Information Policy
12. Information Security Management Policy
13. Tax Policy
14. BDMS Earth Healthcare Policy
15. Sustainability Development Policy
16. Securities Trading Policy
17. Safety, Health, and Environment Policy
18. Supplier Code of Conduct
19. Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Policy